How a simple game of 'Spot The Dog' stopped my dog's reactivity

How a game of ‘Spot The Dog’ stopped my dog’s reactivity

Black dog sitting facing away looking into distance

When it comes to training our dogs or dealing with dog reactivity, I've found that the thing that has the biggest impact is when we shift our mindset. 

We can follow all the training techniques but if our mindset is still stuck in blame, shame, concern and worry, we are not performing at our best or able to help our dogs in the best way possible.

So the ability to shift into a more positive mindset has made the biggest impact in resolving my own dog's reactivity.

That's how a game of ‘Spot The Dog’ not only changed my dog from reactive to friendly, but improved my abilities and confidence as well. 

It helped me shift my mindset so I didn't panic when we saw dogs. Back then, as soon as I saw a dog, my initial thought was ‘Oh No!’ because I knew my dog’s reactivity was like an explosion. 

It was so bloody embarrassing! 

What made it worse for me was being a dog trainer who specialises in improving dog behaviour, I felt like a failure as a dog professional as well as a Dog Mum!

By anticipating her behaviour, which made me anxious and stressed, I was adding to her anxiety about seeing other dogs and making her reactivity worse. 

The biggest challenge I had was the very second we saw another dog, my dog would immediately react. It didn't matter how far away the other dog was. 

As a positive reinforcement dog trainer, I had techniques about how to draw her attention away from the other dogs and move her away but it was that initial spotting of the other dog that we were most challenged with.

So when I came across some training called ‘Look At That’, I was intrigued. 

Other trainers had tried to show me their version of ‘Look At That’ training, but it wasn’t thorough and never seemed to work.

But this particular time I’d found another training program that broke it down and showed me how I could use this for reactivity and turn it into a game.  

It was the missing piece I needed!

I added it to techniques I was already doing with my dog. 

Initially, it was a way to help me to stop panicking and be more relaxed about seeing other dogs. So it really became ‘Spot The Dog’ for me first, before it became ‘Spot The Dog’ for my dog! 

My initial thought of ‘Oh No, a dog!’ turned into ‘Oh, let’s play Spot The Dog!’ 

To be honest, it didn’t happen overnight and there were many times I forgot. But I reminded myself that I had to remain calm for my dog; that was my job! And with patience and consistency it became easier each time.

And once I was more steady with my reactions, adding this simple game of ‘Spot The Dog' alongside the other training I was doing with my dog, really changed everything with her reactivity.

By learning how to look at another dog and remain calm, she is paid in treats! Rewarding her, using positive reinforcement to change her response so other dogs became less scary, there was no longer a need to explode with reactivity. Slowly her confidence and abilities grew. And because I was now calmer, she trusted me to keep her safe. 

Black dog sitting in autumn leaves

Now that we’ve been playing ‘Spot The Dog’ for quite a while, she knows the routine of seeing a dog and what to do. She makes much better choices and is no longer worried about seeing other dogs. 

Today, we have much calmer walks which we both enjoy. She can even meet other dogs and say hello!; something I never, ever thought would be possible! 

The embarrassment about her behaviour has gone and I now feel really proud of her knowing how far she has come. 

She is calm and friendly and really enjoys getting to meet other dogs and I can tell she's really pleased with herself because I can see her smiling! 

Black dog sitting in a meadow panting

I'm so happy, proud and pleased that she gets to meet other dogs now, and if she’s happy, I’m happy!

And it’s not just me! 

I've helped other Dog Parents use this game to transform their dog’s reactivity and finally have the life they had dreamt of with their dog. 

That’s why having a tailored training plan and the experience of a qualified dog professional is vital in understanding and addressing the specific needs of your dog, and ensuring you feel confident too!

By including the ‘Spot The Dog’ game into your training, you too can empower your reactive dog to overcome their fears and anxiety about seeing other dogs. Consistency, patience and using positive reinforcement techniques are key. You CAN transform your dog’s reactivity and have a happy and harmonious life together. 

Want to add the ‘Spot The Dog’ game to your training? Let me know in the comments and let's get you started!


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